Your thoughts on Casper Management Suite

Your thoughts on Casper Management Suite

2014, Jan 29    

We are currently looking at purchasing Casper as the new version of Profile Manager unfortunately borked all of our OS X (10.7) clients plus we would like to utilize the Apple VPP Program without having to re-enroll the iPads. I was wondering what everyone's experience with Casper has been and was hoping that everyone would share. The key pieces we are looking for in Casper are:

  • Full OS X Device Management (Profiles 10.7, 10.8, 10.9+)
  • iPad Managed
  • Apple VPP Program
  • Integration for Asset Tracking via SolarWinds Web Help Desk

Please feel free to share positive and negative experiences with Casper.  I'm interested in seeing just how well is has been received around the MacAdmin community and whether or not it is a good replacement for Apple's Profile Manager. We would also like to continue using Munki with Casper.